This set of rules are open to the interpretation of the Commissioner of Sports or Consequencees, and his interpretation of the rules is considered to be final. In the absence of the Commissioner, the sufficiadados on hand, may interpret the rules as a collective body, or select an interim Commissioner toabsence may alsoappoint an interm Commissioner to act on his behalf. The interim Commissioner, if appointed, wil supercade any Commissioner selected by the sufficianados.

No protests or apperals are permitted. The Commissioner's word is final.

These rules are hereby set forth and adopted in the manner prescribed aforehand, and supercade all prevois rules, but do not set aside any prior judgements which may now be found to be incingruos with these standards contained herein.

The sole purpose of these standards can be found in SECTION 10 of this self same document.

These rules are herby adopted as prim facia evidence and testements, on this _____ day of ___________, in the year ______. As witnessed and attesed to by the following undersigned:

____________________________________________________ Commissioner

____________________________________________________ Host/Moderator

____________________________________________________ Black Belt

First prepared by Ye Humble and Gummy Scribe ... Stephen W. Vance, 2-19-1988.

Updated by Ye Humble and Gummy Techno Scribe...* John E. Quigley II, 10-24-1995.

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